Natural Family Planning

Last Updated on February 24, 2025 by web manager

On July 25th, 1968, Pope Saint Paul VI issued his encyclical letter “On Human Life.” In that encyclical, the Pope stated that “it is necessary that each conjugal act remain ordained in itself to the procreation of human life.” This teaching follows logically from our Catholic belief that marriage is for both love and life and that these two ends cannot be separated. The union of bodies is meant to be a sign of the union of hearts that is affirmed and professed with the exchange of a couple’s marriage vows. If this union is to be truly a loving act, it must always be open to life. The use of either artificial contraception or sterilization separates the love-giving and life-giving ends of marriage and for that reason, their use is always immoral. Couples can however use Natural Family Planning as a moral way to plan their families. Natural Family Planning allows couples to plan their families in a way that respects both love and life. It should also be noted that studies have shown that living as the Church teaches strengthens marriages. Classes on Natural Family Planning are available in our area through Northland Fertility Care and are free for registered parishioners. Links to the Northland Fertility Care website and the website for the Couple to Couple League, a national NFP organization, are posted below.

Northland Fertility Care

Testimonials Video from Northland FertilityCare

Couple to Couple League

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