Last Updated on March 22, 2025 by web manager


St. Patrick's Catholic Church
St. Luke's Catholic Church
St. Luke's Flower Garden

For information concerning times for Mass, Confessions, Adoration, Family Faith Formation and Office Hours, click here.

For What’s Happening for Youth, click here.

In keeping with the Church’s ancient tradition, all Catholics are called in a more direct way to repentance and conversion during this time. By acts of prayer, penance and almsgiving, we strive to grow in our love of God and neighbor and to overcome our sinful habits. For more details, see our Lenten page here.

Take some time to reflect on how your life will be different during Lent. What changes will you make in your daily routine? What spiritual exercises you will undertake as you prepare to celebrate the great Feast of Easter? With God’s help, make plans to grow in His love during Lent. If you aren’t in a small group, try one out. See here for all our groups.

God is always calling to us. He offers us His divine friendship, and He offers us eternal life with Him in heaven. The parable of the fig tree in the holy gospel on March 22nd reminds us that we must all respond to this offer sooner or later. Fruitful trees would symbolize those who have already embraced God’s friendship and who seek to serve Him now. The barren tree symbolizes those who have not yet responded. The gardener is Jesus who continues to care for the tree by watering and fertilizing it. This care is God’s grace which is continuously offered to us all. Lastly, there is this comment from the gardener, “[The tree] may bear fruit in the future. If not, you can cut it down.” This means that in the end, those who do not respond to God’s offer of divine friendship will not enjoy eternal life with Him in heaven.

Family Faith Formation (FFF) meets at Saint Patrick’s on Wednesday, March 26th. St Lukes’s has At Home learning until the next class on April 2nd. Each session starts at 5:30pm with a family meal followed by classes from 6:10p until 7:20pm.

The main FFF webpage has At Home class sheets and other information here.

Occasionally, Father Sirba has written his thoughts on various subjects. For example, he recently wrote about the right to have an opinion. He has also written about questions we should ask and current customs, social norms, abortion, and much more. To see these, click here. The most recent is from November 17th, 2024.

Meet Monsignor Joseph Buh, the Duluth priest who could become America’s next saint.

If you are new to our area, or if you are a summer parishioner & consider this your spiritual home during the summer months, please join us & become part of our parish family. We value your time, treasure & talents. Contact the parish office to get a parish census form.

ARK BUILDING continues
See our Ark Builders menu and page here for more.

Eucharistic Miracles happen as Blessed Carlo Acutis shows us here! God does indeed seek to help us believe that he is truly present in the Eucharist.


The Chosen is an artistic portrayal of the life of Jesus and the Apostles. As “The Passion of the Christ”, the creators of this series attempt to show how things might have been if we had been there … using the art of cinematography. It is worth watching, but with the idea that not all of the words, actions, or ideas presented are known to be true. Consider it like looking at a work of art attempting to portray the parable of The Prodigal Son. As we watch “The Chosen,” we turn to prayer and the Gospels for “the truth” but realize the lives of those portrayed must have been amazing! Here is a video where Bishop Barron and Jonathan Roumie attempt to describe the series and faith and their relationship:

The following videos discuss two of the most popular Podcasts in the country done by Father Michael Schmitz with help from Jeff Cavins:

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